

Why Australia

Australia is known for its friendly, laid-back nature, excellent education system, and high standard of living. There are over 40 universities and institutions in Australia offering wide range of courses and degrees which makes it easy for students to find the right university and course in their field of interest. Australian degrees and qualifications are recognized globally due to the renowned research and training methodologies in their universities. International students are able to work part time while they study, allowing them to gain work experience in their field of interest along with high-quality education.

Application Planner

Although applying to Australian universities is easy, careful planning is required. First, you need to research the available courses, universities and the specialisation they offer. After you have chosen a suitable course of study and university, you need to learn more about the requirements of the university for further application. Also, it is important to check the academic and English language requirements to ensure eligibility. You should make note of all the deadlines of the application as they too may vary depending upon university and your study course.

Application Preparation

International students need to fulfil some basic requirements for applying for any university in Australia. Most universities require your personal details, certified proof of your English Proficiency and details of your previous academic qualifications. There may be more requirements depending upon the university. If you are still completing your prior education, you can provide your most recent academic results until your final result. Preparing an efficiently organized application is necessary and can be confusing at times. We, at Computrain, help you prepare your application efficiently.

Study Cost- Academic/Hostel

Known for its excellent education system and high standard of living, Australia offers a wide range of degrees as well as universities. Depending upon the city and university, the cost of studying in Australia may vary. The tuition fees in Australia differ and depend upon the course of study, degree level and the university. For international students pursuing bachelors degree, the average tuition fee ranges from 20,000 AUD to 30,000 AUD per year. For students pursuing masters degree, it ranges from 25,000 AUD to 35,000 AUD per year. Also, depending upon the city, your accommodation and other expense may vary. Including accommodation, food, transport and social activities, living in Australia may cost approximately between 15,000 AUD to 20,000 AUD per year. Also, Australian government as well as universities offer various scholarships to international students fulfilling the required criteria.

Visa Counselling

Australia has various sets of general and evidentiary requirements to be fulfilled for international students to be eligible for a student visa. With this visa, you can participate in an eligible study course in Australia, travel in and out of Australia and work up to 40 hours every two weeks period during your course of study. A Confirmation of Enrolment is required from the university to apply for a student visa. Our Visa counsellors will help you fulfil all the requirements in the most organized and efficient way. Depending on your country of origin and intended university, the requirements may vary. A non-refundable application charge applies to most of the visa applications. We, at Computrain, are with you and guide you step-by-step in your visa application which maximise your application acceptance chances.


In Australia, international students are offered various accommodations to choose from. However, the accommodation in Australian universities is little different from other countries. Here, off-campus accommodation is more prevalent than on-campus as Australian universities offer on-campus housing sparingly. International students tend to live off-campus through hostels, rentals or homestay programs. The hostels or residential colleges here provide students with accommodation, meals, cleaning and various social and academic services and needs. Guest house accommodation is also available that provides an important opportunity for social interaction. This is a very economically efficient option. Students can also rent houses, individually or in a shared manner. Homestay programs help the students integrate themselves fully into the Australian lifestyle and culture.

Post Study Work

It is important for students to gain professional experience after completing their higher studies. Australia is one of the countries who offers various job opportunities to international students after their education. For international students to be eligible for working post studies, a post study work visa is essential in Australia. Depending upon the requirements, duration and eligibility, Australia offers various types of work visa for students. This visa allows international students to live and work in Australia for upto 3 years post education completion.