


State University New York Oswego

State University of New York at Oswego is a public university in the City of Oswego and Town of Oswego, New York. It has two campuses: historic lakeside campus in Oswego and Metro Center in Syracuse, New York. SUNY Oswego currently has over 80,000 living alumni.

Bachelor into Psychology

⦿ Yearly 18679 ( USD )
⦿ High school diploma or equivalent.
⦿ Mail all official college/university and secondary school transcripts (transfer applicants) or just your secondary school transcript (freshmen) to SUNY Oswego.
The demand for the many fields in human services and technology where a psychology degree can prove beneficial continues to increase. Even as an undergraduate, you’ll have opportunities to collaborate closely with faculty members on research projects in many areas of psychology ? from applied, clinical, cognitive and counseling to neuroscience, quantitative research methods and more. Work with faculty on many research opportunities in the field. Get involved in service-learning experiences and serve as a research assistant or teaching assistant. Join the Psychology Club, which sponsors trips and speaker series. Gain valuable experience as a volunteer in the Peer Advisement and Career Awareness Center. Excel and you may be eligible for membership in Psi Chi, the international psychology honor society.
⦿ January
⦿ May
⦿ September
⦿ Yearly 18679 ( USD )
⦿ High school diploma or equivalent.
⦿ Mail all official college/university and secondary school transcripts (transfer applicants) or just your secondary school transcript (freshmen) to SUNY Oswego.
The demand for the many fields in human services and technology where a psychology degree can prove beneficial continues to increase. Even as an undergraduate, you’ll have opportunities to collaborate closely with faculty members on research projects in many areas of psychology ? from applied, clinical, cognitive and counseling to neuroscience, quantitative research methods and more. Work with faculty on many research opportunities in the field. Get involved in service-learning experiences and serve as a research assistant or teaching assistant. Join the Psychology Club, which sponsors trips and speaker series. Gain valuable experience as a volunteer in the Peer Advisement and Career Awareness Center. Excel and you may be eligible for membership in Psi Chi, the international psychology honor society.
⦿ January
⦿ May
⦿ September