
Computer Science

Computer Science

University of Cincinnati

The University of Cincinnati is a public research university in Cincinnati, Ohio. Founded in 1819 as Cincinnati College, it is the oldest institution of higher education in Cincinnati and has an annual enrollment of over 44,000 students, making it the second largest university in Ohio.

Master of Science in Computer Science

⦿ Yearly 26334 ( USD )
⦿ The student must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 and higher in their Bachelors Degree from an accredited institution.
The Data and Knowledge Management Group studies the storage, retrieval, and mining of data in databases. The Experimental Computer Systems Group studies computer systems perspective, including operation systems, compilers, computer architecture, networking, and wireless communications. The Intelligent Systems Group focuses on designing and analyzing an intelligent algorithm or system using any of the theoretical formalisms. The Internet Computing and Information Science Group examines technologies for computing and communication across Internet or any other networked system, and the Quantum Computing Group studies the growing field of Quantum Computing.
⦿ January
⦿ August
⦿ Yearly 26334 ( USD )
⦿ The student must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 and higher in their Bachelors Degree from an accredited institution.
The Data and Knowledge Management Group studies the storage, retrieval, and mining of data in databases. The Experimental Computer Systems Group studies computer systems perspective, including operation systems, compilers, computer architecture, networking, and wireless communications. The Intelligent Systems Group focuses on designing and analyzing an intelligent algorithm or system using any of the theoretical formalisms. The Internet Computing and Information Science Group examines technologies for computing and communication across Internet or any other networked system, and the Quantum Computing Group studies the growing field of Quantum Computing.
⦿ January
⦿ August